A place of belonging and a source of resilience for black sheep

To provide a community, a place of belonging and a source of resilience for ‘black sheep’ - those whose self worth and identity has been affected by a lack of belonging and not fitting in. Particularly for those who started life not feeling a belonging in their family and how that plays out later in making friends and relationships. 


  • Brand Identity, Development & Guidelines

  • Brand Strategy

  • Book Design

  • Geometric Illustrations

  • Stationery

  • Website

“I couldn't be happier with Ky's work. Aside from the ease and joy of working with Ky's good nature and professionalism, was his ability to integrate all the elements of design, aesthetic, story, authenticity, and brand integrity to reflect my vision for my business. I don't how he came up with such a brilliant and deceptively simple logo for what I considered a complex name and concept. But he did!

And I receive so many comments on how much they love my website, stationary, and book cover and styling. It's very holding to have the business branding reflect so well what it actually represents. Thank you so much Ky! I'm looking forward to working on my next book and other future projects with you.”

—Mee Hee Douglas


Flood Relief Fund

